State Space Models

All state space models are written and estimated in the R programming language. The models are available here with instructions and R procedures for manipulating the models here here.

Friday, June 21, 2013

What's The Difference Between an Overvalued Stock and a Market Bubble?

June 4, 2013. In the video above (and here with transcript), CNBC stock analyst Jim Cramer is reacting to "bubble callers" (pundits saying that every overvalued stock is experiencing a bubble). It's not that Jim Cramer doesn't believe in bubbles (see the quote below), he just thinks there is a difference between overvaluation and a real bubble. My inclination would be to look at a significant departure from the attractor path (beyond the 98% bootstrap prediction interval, see an example for the SP500 here).

From the transcript:

Now, that's not to say the term is never appropriate. Looking back historically, there was a bubble in technology stocks back in 2000, and there was a bubble in housing back in 2007.
But lately, Cramer feels that the term has been thrown around far too casually.
"There's always somebody calling a bubble!" Cramer said. "Usually they're doing it to look smart." Unfortunately, those kinds of forecasts can be more harmful, than anything else.